Construction (Excavation) Companies

Major, urban construction companies operating “yellow iron” are heavy users of BioSolve® Pinkwater.

Major, urban construction companies operating “yellow iron” are heavy users of BioSolve® Pinkwater. Excavations in congested locations often come up against an unwelcome, frustrating roadblock: unpleasant or noxious odors. The cause is highly contaminated soil due to leaking underground fuel storage tanks previously located on the site. Odor problems incurred while excavating in contaminated soil can generate complaints or health concerns capable of shutting down the site. Construction/excavation companies generally use a combination of BioSolve® Pinkwater and sprayed foam to suppress harmful odors so that work can continue without interruption.

Excavation may occur downwind of “sensitive receptors”, in which case BioSolve® Pinkwater is applied pro-actively to prevent odor problems. In recent years, BioSolve® Pinkwater has been used at the following sites due to the presence of nearby “sensitive receptors”:

  • hospitals

    Excavation adjacent to a hospital at New York University in downtown Manhattan

  • schools

    MGP site remediation adjacent to a public high school in Plattsburg, NY

  • high-rises

    Excavation for a sky-scraper on Fremont Street in downtown San Francisco

  • research facilities

    Excavation for a Novartis research center in busy “Kendall Square” of Cambridge, MA

  • waterfront areas

    Excavation at the Barangaroo site in downtown Sydney, Australia

Typically, construction companies are not expert in odor control and vapor suppression. Project supervisors are often first-time users of BioSolve® products. BioSolve’s success in this market is largely due to the simplicity and ease of use.

BioSolve® Pinkwater

FIELD APPLICATIONS Pinkwater Clear Activator Hydrovent
Surfactant Enhanced Aquifer Remediation
Aerobic Biodegradation of Impacted Soil
Insitu Spill Remediation
Land Farming & Biopiles
Industrial Maintenance
UST & AST Cleaning/Degassing
Subfloor/Interstitular Decomntamination
Vapor/Odor Control
MGP Site & Brownfield Remediation
Excavation in Impacted Soil
Hydrocarbon Spill Response
Spill Clean-Up
Equipment Decontamination